Most Common Problems New Programmers Face — SOLUTION!

ShutUp JustFocus
6 min readSep 17, 2019


Learning how to code is fun and also tough enough to give up on the first day!

Here are some most common problems that beginner developers face solutions to them!

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It’s obvious, and you already knew it, but the thing is, it is an absolute need if you just started to learn to program. Whether in school or learning at home from tutorials, it’s always important to practice what you’ve learned to give it a real presence in your mind.


Your mouse pointer slowly moved to Google search, and you are feeling guilty that you are going to search out an error or maybe something you know nothing about at all!

In simple terms, every developer — from intermediate to advanced to the gods — uses Google search, Stack Overflow, or some form of “cheating” to solve something they knew in the first place but were unaware of. It’s okay to cheat!


You just wrote a program in C., a “Hello World” printing program.

Your program works! Viola! However, now you want to know what #include stands for or the purpose of Studio.h.

It’s good to stay hungry, but here, in the programming field, you need to remember that computer programming is enormous and very complicated. You’ve just begun, and it’s impossible for you to know everything. Just try to understand the necessary elements required to cook the code, and eventually, you will later get the “why” and “what” factors’ purposes!

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Imagine you are a god-level developer who codes thousands of lines to the utmost perfection, but you forgot that one of your global variables was GLOBAL_VARIABLE, not global_variable.

Your program crashed miserably in production.

So yes, computers do care if those letters you wrote are in upper case or lower case, and so should you.


Okay, I am a fan of pair programming, and unfortunately, I, till date, was never able to program anything with anyone as a pair.

However, here are the benefits.

Two different brains working on the same problem comes up with two different solutions for the same problem.

Having two different brains working on the same problem as a pair means both of them can maybe teach each other while working or even get taught differently.

A solution to a problem is always more efficient when that solution comes from a pair of PROGRAMMERS working on the same problem, giving their best to it.


Honestly, I’ve faced this a lot at my workplace whenever I talked about how I got a complete zero out of 50 in math when I was in the 9th standard. People have stereotypical ideas, such as,

“Hey, if you are a programmer, you can’t be bad at math,” or “Hey, you want to be good at programming? You better be good at math.”

However, seriously, programming is all about coming out with the best possible solution while being efficient using your logical thought process. So this doesn’t require you to be good at math!


Like pair programming, meet ups are valuable. You meet different developers with different interests and ways of writing code with different goals in mind. In short, a developer meet up can change everything about you and your approach towards programming. Try it!


By the time you are through reading or maybe by the time you have gone through tutorials for coding, you already know that learning to write code and then writing the code to perfection is a tiring process.

However, you need the motivation to keep going, and you can keep going by celebrating that one successful compilation, that one unbeaten run and that one cleanly written code that your partner understood in the first place. Celebrate those small things, and eventually, that is the motivation behind your next thousand lines of code!


Everyone knows that you can’t know everything about computer programming, and that’s okay unless you aren’t a human at all!

You are here to learn to code, and that’s what you need to be focusing on. Try to know. Try to learn what you don’t know. Confess that you don’t know!

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No, I am not saying that you need to learn every programming language out there to secure a place in the market. That’s not possible. You can’t learn every language, and you shouldn’t!

Instead what you should do is to do specific type of work that you can do with programming, like web development, and then learn those different languages that you can use to go on with web development.

Alternatively, maybe learn two different types of object-oriented programming languages at the same time. Two different OOP languages are always the same in a way that they are both object-oriented programming languages, but their approaches towards the object-oriented actions differ.

The syntax and the defaults are different, and this helps you to have different views to solve the same problem!

Suppose you know two OOP languages, Python and Java.

Viola! Now, you can solve 1 + 2 = 3 in two different ways using two different languages. This gives you a global, logical perspective.


This seems to be overkill for you because this is the first day after you finished the hello world program, and you don’t know what to do in the coming days. Thinking about your project is strict. So, do this:

1. You can set an ultimate goal like developing a full-fledged game and start working on that project from the first day of learning to code. Eventually, you get stuck at “What do I do now?”

That leads you to learn something precious and also continue your project!

2. Alternatively, you can visit Git Hub, look for open source projects, and start to look at others’ codes. Seriously, that helps a lot in developing a stone-solid idea of how you should start your project on some given point of your learning journey!


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There is absolutely no point in talking about where to start.

You need to start. Do you want to learn how to code?

You want to develop your own game and share it with your friends?

Then now is the time!


There is no end to the programming things that you can work on as a developer! There is no point in giving up.

Just look back at the time and the effort that cost you to be here and say, “Hey, I am a programmer, and I made my computer say, ‘Hello, world,’ and I can make your computer say, ‘Hello, world,’ too!”

Okay, maybe this is your first day, but think about the possibilities. Think about how much power you have as a developer. The world is developing and is highly dependent on programs like you and me. Alternatively, just by being practical, you look at the salary figures. This surely motivates me like hell.



ShutUp JustFocus
ShutUp JustFocus

Written by ShutUp JustFocus

Writing✍🏽 About “Science”🧪 & ”Programming”👨🏽‍💻Inspiring People to Code|Languages:-JavaScript,Python,SQL,C++| Frameworks :-Vue.JS,Django|HTML

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